Friday, September 5, 2008


I am not a fan of being political. I do vote regularly. I do have certain political views, but I usually keep them to myself. I do have to share this though - I am loving Palin as a VP candidate. I think that McCain and his campaign advisors are geniouses to choose her as a VP candidate for many reasons. (1) She is not Washington. Obama talks a lot about change, yet he chose a typical Washington VP candidate. I know he basically had to for various reasons, but it does not give the appearance of change. So what does McCain do in response? Look outside of Washington - about as far away from Washington as you can go. Brilliant. (2) She is a conservative woman who has a family instead of a feminist or someone married to someone for political reasons. (3) She had a baby she knew had a high likelihood of Downs Syndrome when doctors encouraged her to abort the baby. Finally the pro-life camp has someone who wears a skirt and has babies that can say that the opportunity presented itself, yet she made the right choice. (4) She energized a campaign that most Republicans seemed half-hearted and lukewarm about. I was not too happy about McCain as a choice, but it beat the alternative. Now, I am voting for McCain because it is a vote for Palin - and I am excited about it. From what I can tell, I am not the only one. Republicans have fallen in love with her, which has energized a movement that was needing energy. (5) Who cares if McCain dies now because Palin would take over. This has been important because, although McCain appears to be in good health for his age, the Democrats have been complaining about his age. McCain obviously needed someone that Republicans could get behind and support should he die. How awesome would it be for the Republicans to put the first woman in the White House! What a slap in the face to Hillary! Chances are that McCain will not be dying anytime during any potential presidency, but now he has people excited about what could happen if he did. That is genious. (6) Feminists hate the choice, which exposes feminists as not pro-women but pro-certain-type-of-woman-that-fits-the-feminist-mold. Feminists talk all the time about how women should be able to work and have a family and blah blah blah. Yet feminists are the ones that are complaining because this woman seems to be working and having a family. I read one feminist that said Palin should be home taking care of her kids. What? I thought that was against everything feminists believed in. Now the feminists moral relativism is on display. (7) People in the south now have a reason to vote for McCain. What good southern does not like guns and hunting. It does not hurt that she is good looking too. Again, brilliant.

One last thing that I love about the choice and the circumstances that surrounded it. Barack played up his VP pick, having people on the edge of their seats anticipating the announcement for days. Then when he announced it, people were not too impressed (or excited). No one was really on the edge of their seat for McCain's pick, and when he made the announcement, people were curious. Curiosity was good for McCain and Palin and the nation fell in love with her or loathed her overnight. Both feelings have created passion whereas people really did not care about Biden. The media has definitely given more press time to Palin than Biden, and I think that will bode well for the campaign. At least now McCain and Obama are getting closer to an even playing field, and November should be exciting. Republicans are now excited like the Democrats. Whoever came up with Palin in the McCain campaign needs to stick around if McCain wins the presidency because I am anxious to see what kind of Supreme Court justices might come out of that!


SimplyDenyse said...

very good post, good points!!

Summer said...

Yes! I agreee with everything you said. I totally fall in the category of lukewarm Republican completely recharged and fired up about the election. Possibly more so than "Bushy"! I want to knock on doors, hand out signs, and sign up voters! I didn't even get my registration in time for the primaries and I didn't care! NOW I DO!! :)