Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop 8

There is one result that I am actually stunned by in the election - the passing of Prop 8 in California. The amount of money that was spent to defeat this proposition is unbelievable. Add to that the belief (and reality) that California is one of the most liberal states, and the enormity of the decision should actually stun you. The results of that election are being somewhat overlooked because of the presidential election, but I think that this is probably one of the most newsworthy stories of the night.


Anonymous said...

In a not so surprising turn of events, the next day the ACLU filed a suit challenging the amendment to the constitution as unconstitutional.

No, I am not kidding. Yes, this is a supreme display of ignorance and unwillingness to accept the rule of law and democracy. All of this while those who profoundly disagree with the policies of Barack Obama are called to accept him as president anyway. It seems the aclu is immune from accepting the democratic process.

Also, I keep hearing this fallacy that making gay marriage illegal deprives a certain group of rights and is therefore discriminatory. As Thomas Sowell points out, gay marriage does not deprive a certain group of a right. It bans gay marriage for heterosexual people too. Further more, although this may be arguable, it is a ban on behavior, not nature.

But, then again, the aclu is rarely amenable to reason.

Baylordia said...

Unfortunately, the California courts may be so willing to make a statement by declaring the amendment unconstitutional in order to force the Supreme Court of the US to decide the issue. Sometimes I think that there are too many people in the world with too much money at their disposal. The people spoke, and yet the minority want to force their view on the majority through any means necessary. This is the ultimate example of "tolerance"?