Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tyler Perry's Movies

I am a bit behind on my reviewing of movies on my Netflix list, in part because I have been so busy then so tired in the past few weeks. I have discovered in recent weeks though that I really enjoy watching movies done by Tyler Perry. Here are my reviews of the ones I watched recently.

I started with Diary of a Mad Black Woman. I knew that it was the first movie that he had made, so I thought it was a good place to start. I do not know what I was expecting, but it wasn't the movie I watched. However, I was surprised at how much I still liked the movie. I think I expected it to me more comedy and less serious, but it was more of a drama with enough comedy thrown in to keep you from getting too uncomfortable. I liked the movie enough that I thought I would give some more of Perry's movies a try.

The next Perry movie that I watched was Meet the Browns. I now realize I am watching the movies out of order (although that does not take away from the movies). Loved it!! I think that since I knew what to expect, I enjoyed this movie even more than I enjoyed Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Although the movie was predictable, it was entertaining from start to finish. Another thing that I realized after watching this movie is that Perry's movies are relatively clean. The language is mild. Sex is not shown. Sure, the movies deal with some difficult issues, but violence is kept to a minimum. At this point, I decided I needed to watch all of his movies.

This is one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I think that this movie more than any of Perry's others really tackles some of the issues with our culture today (not just African-American culture). Again, the language is mild, sex is implied instead of shown, violence is present but not bloody. This movie goes a long way to explain some of what is happening in the drug culture today. This movie would be an eye-opener for some who have not watched many things that happen in this movie happen in the real world.

I usually do not make it home on Wednesday nights to watch House of Payne, but the few times I have seen it make me a fan of the show. I do not know how long the show has been on, but the few episodes I have seen have been great. I think that the DVDs of this show need to join The Office DVDs on my shelf at home.

I think that there are one or two more movies of Perry's left for me to watch. I know that I hope he writes more. I have not mentioned the plots of the movies much in this review, in part because the plots almost give away too much of the story (yes, they are that predictable). However, the movies are definitely worth watching because part of the appeal is the struggle of the characters to get to the result you know they are going to get to.

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