Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympics - Week 1 and Weekend 2

Last week was a crazy week at work so I did not get to watch as much of the Olympics as I wanted to. Here are my thoughts about what I watched.

Michael Phelps

The guy is amazing, incredible, and just about any other good superlative and/or descriptive adjective you can come up with. However, by the end of the week, I was tired of the commentators worshiping Michael Phelps. As far as I am concerned, they can interview him and his mother all that they want, and I am interested. When the commentators start just talking about him all of the time as if he is the only American at the Olympics, it gets a little old. That having been said, I am sad that swimming is finished because Phelps was the highlight of my day each day last week.


I guess in college I realized that the judging was never going to be fair (or as fair as the commentators seem to think it should be ... and since they are the experts, that is all I have to rely on). Since that time, gymnastics has lost its appeal to me. I am still amazed, but I do not look forward to watching. I didn't even watch all of the all-around, but that was because it was on so late and I fell asleep. Gymnastics is like ice skating ... too subjective.

NBC's Coverage Choices

Someone needs to inform NBC that we are not China. I do not care how the Chinese men feel that it is their destiny to win, and I do not care to watch them win in gymnastics. Hello NBC! We had an American team in the men's competition. Apparently they were doing pretty good, although we (AMERICANS) did not get to see half of their performance because we were watching China thanks to NBC. It is bad enough that the live coverage is so late at night (something NBC can't control), but show us our own country instead of another one. And while I am on the subject of coverage choices, it would be nice if NBC would replay things like the Spitz-Phelps interview that I accidentally slept through although I did try to stay up for it. That is definitely more interesting than the marathon ... which leads to my next subject ...


On Sunday, was it really necessary to show the entire women's marathon? I guess I am the idiot that watched, of course I was waiting to see a Michael Phelps interview (not people talking about him).

Redeem Team

I finally watched one of the basketball games. USA v. Spain. I enjoyed the game, and that surprised me. Plus, I found out that I don't have to wait until October to watch Chris Paul, and that made me happy. Still not as good as the original, but still highly entertaining.

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