Friday, March 14, 2008


I receive a Quote of the Day on my RSS feeder, and today's quote seems to be what so many in the world believe on the matter of truth:

"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it."  Andre Gide

The world does not value absolute truth anymore, just those who are seeking the truth.  Of course Gide had to put in there "Doubt those who find it" because, as a Christian, I have knowledge of the absolute truth (although not perfect knowledge yet).  I bet that Gide would not believe that Christianity has found absolute truth in Jesus Christ.  He would be blind to the fact that absolute truth has been found in Jesus Christ.  The world seeks after something that it isn't even sure exists, and can't see when it is presented to them.  

I do hope that there are people who are actively seeking Truth, and we need to pray that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to the Truth once they encounter Him.  Those who find the absolute Truth need to be bold to proclaim that it is truth in a world that is unwilling to believe that anyone can have knowledge of absolute truth.

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