Thursday, February 14, 2008

Baylor Basketball

I was pleasantly surprised last week as I pulled my Sports Illustrated out of the mailbox and began flipping through the pages.  A little over midway through the magazine was a story about Baylor Basketball.  I guess people had to start taking notice of the success of the team when Baylor beat the Aggies after 5 overtimes.  Even though the game was not televised, it has been the topic of sports conversations off and on  since it occurred.  It will be interesting to see how the season turns out.  Personally, I think that Scott Drew should be coach of the year.  Most coaches would not consider coming to a school that is about to be punished - severely - by the NCAA.  Most coaches would only stay a year or two knowing that recruiting is going to be next to impossible and scholarships few and far between because of NCAA punishments.  However, Drew chose to expand his recruiting options and create a team for the future.  Finally, that patience is paying off and I am as happy for the coach as I am for the school.  Baylor is going to have a hard time hanging on to him I am afraid - I know that if I was looking for a coach this spring when the pink slips are handed out, I would probably put him on my short list.  I am just glad that Baylor Basketball received some good press for a change (even if it did take some of the spotlight away from the girls for a moment - girls who are ranked in the top 10 by the way!).  Maybe the brilliant choice of Drew is a good indicator of what we can expect from our football coach as well.

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