Monday, February 25, 2008

And the Winner is ...

Actually, I am unable to tell you most, if not all, the winners at the Academy Awards.  To be honest, I didn't know the Academy Awards were taking place last night until last night.  Even if I had known, I don't think I would have watched.  I really do not like the Academy Awards because it is Hollywood choosing "the best" of Hollywood, which usually means movies that are making a statement that society is not quite ready to accept (even though Hollywood is trying to force it on society).  I looked at a list of the winners this morning, and I did not recognize any of the movies except I saw that Sweeney Todd won some category, and Ratatouille was the best animated film (were there any others this year?), and Borne Ultimatum won in some categories.  Those were the only movies that I recognized the names.  Back in the day, it seems that the Academy Awards were more of awards for blockbuster movies, which, I would argue, the public has determined are the best.  Granted, even back in the day they didn't always get it right.  For instance, Gone With the Wind did not win Best Picture in 1939 (and I don't remember what movie did).  Now it is proclaimed as one of the best of all time.  I do not find it surprising that ratings were down this year either.  For months we have been hearing about how the writers' strike was going to result in the cancellation of the Academy Awards, and too bad it didn't.  It seems that it was a waste of TV air space (but isn't most programming nowadays anyway?).  Now all the news programs are talking about the fashions.  Obviously no one cared.  What a waste of breath.

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