Monday, January 18, 2010

Sacrificial Giving

I do not know what has made me so empathetic in this disaster. Maybe it is because it reminds me of Hurricane Katrina, just on a much larger scale. A city has been destroyed by a natural disaster and millions of lives are affected. Katrina was similar in that respect. Of course, add on the poverty in Haiti that was so much more desparate than in New Orleans, and it is truly catastrophic. New Orleans is just now getting back to what I would call "normal." I am afraid that Haiti will take even longer. I am also concerned that some organizations will create dependence instead of training the Haitian people in independence financially.

That having been said, if you have seen me promote giving to an organization, I have already given to it. I plan to give small amounts monthly to Compassion because I think it is an organization that promotes the gospel and financial independence for the children in its program. Even if you do not want to sponsor a child and want more freedom in choosing amounts to give each month (or once a year), there are options.

On another note, our former employee Darlynn is back on American soil and should be arriving in Texarkana by Wednesday. I know that her family must be relieved, but as someone who dealt with the emotions of Katrina even though I did not have to deal with the storm itself, this is when she and her family need more prayers than ever.

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