Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"The views contained herein ..."

I have a new pet peeve.  Every time I sit down to watch a DVD, pick up a newspaper or magazine, turn on the television, and now even read blogs or attend conferences, there is a lovely little disclaimer that says something like "The views expressed by the persons in this [fill in the blank] do not necessary reflect the views of [big named company or organization] and are solely the views of the ones expressing them."  Here is why this irks me.  Obviously someone within the big company or organization, on behalf of the company or organization, agreed with the person enough to allow that person's views to be expressed.  Someone acting on behalf of the company or organization chose to endorse this person by inviting them to share their views, but it seems that the companies/organizations do not want to accept responsibility for the views that they are putting out in the public.  This person would not have a platform or stage from which to speak so that I hear it if this company or organization had not given them the opportunity.  These companies/organizations seem unwilling to take responsibility when something goes wrong, and the views are criticized.  Wouldn't it be better for them to screen the information, be more responsible in presenting information to the public, and stand behind what is produced when they do believe it (or at least endorse it)?  Then, maybe, when the random crackpot flies off the handle and says things that no one was expecting and that are highly offensive, we, the public, may actually believe the company/organization who now states that they do not agree with what is said.  Of course we don't live in a society that is too big on accepting responsibility, either individually or corporately.  

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