Saturday, May 19, 2007

Another Old One

Here is another old blog from Facebook:

Although it isn't Christmas, I watched The Nativity Story last night. I meant to catch it while it was out in the theater, but was too busy around that time and next thing I know it is coming out on DVD. Here is my take on it.I liked how Mary and Joseph were portrayed so normal. Nothing special about them except that God called them to a special task. Since there isn't much information on them in the Bible except that they were righteous and chosen of God, the movie has to fictionalize many things throughout the movie. However, I think that the movie stayed true to the spirit of the Bible. You see the mercy that Joseph showed when he found out Mary was pregnant, but did not have her stoned. You see their righteousness played out in an understated way as the movie writer has them doing subtle things that Jesus would later do in His ministry on earth. There are parts of the movie that you could tell were made overdramatic to make a point. The wise men were almost comic relief (although in a very dry way, which is the best humor in my opinion!) and not quite biblical, but based more on church tradition. The movie shows Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt from the stable, forgetting that the Bible states that the wise men visited them in a house and that Baby Jesus was taken to the temple before going to Egypt. All in all, it was a decent portrayal because it was so humble and understated. One of the only improvements that I would have made was that there was no host of angels announcing the birth. I would have tried to capture that moment without inserting all of the Hollywood theatrics that can now be created through special effects. Overall, I would recommend this movie to everyone. It doesn't replace seeing the event take place in your mind as God's Word is read at Christmas, but it is an interesting portrayal of how the events may have occurred.

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