Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Princess and The Frog

I loved this movie! Of course that is no surprise since it is about New Orleans. Part of me did not want to like it since it is about New Orleans, but I fell in love just as soon as the first streetcar appeared on the screen.

First the negative. The accents were way off to the point of being almost annoying.

However the postives are way better than the negatives. I mean, how can you not like a movie with beignets in it? And jazz? And Mardi Gras? And a trumpet playing alligator? And steamboat on the Mississipi?

The music is incredible. It definitely had a New Orleans flair. There was even a dirge to celebration music remniscent of a jazz funeral if you listened closely.

The heroine, Tiana, was well written. Disney may have waited too long to have an African-American main character, but they wrote her well when they made her. She was the perfect Disney princess even when she was a frog. The other characters are exactly what makes Disney movies great.

The movie was cleverly written. I actually laughed out loud a few times. It was a throwback to the Disney classics for the first time, in my opinion, since The Lion King or maybe Tarzan. The animation was beautiful. The Mardi Gras floats were so realistic and colorful even as a cartoon. I am pretty sure I will own this movie very soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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