Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some Thoughts ...

Well, it looks like this is my first blog post of 2008.  Nice.  Too bad it isn't about something meaningful instead of just some random things all put into one blog.

Lil T:  Lil T had to share his house last week with another dog.  The Floyd (one of my co-workers) family went out of town and their dog Huxley came to stay with us for the week.  Huxley used the time to catch up on his sleeping, and did not do much else at my house.  He did insist on sleeping in my bed with me, but he was kind enough to take up only a few inches at the end of the bed!  Lil T and Huxley got along well.  Lil T did not pay Huxley too much attention unless Huxley had the nerve to come into the kitchen with me, which is Lil T's territory (he doesn't even like me in the kitchen unless it is to "visit" him).  I enjoyed having a dog around that was way out of the puppy phase and not even close to being as hyper as Lil T.  I look forward to the days when Lil T will sit down!  Maybe Lil T needs an older brother or sister.  I did not enjoy the morning and night time trips outside (Lil T is litterbox trained for the most part - nice, huh?!?!).

Writer's strike:  I am disturbed about how upset people are about the writer's strike.  Have we really become that dependent upon TV that we think it is the end of the world if we don't have new episodes of shows?  Maybe we should start spending time with our families or reading books or doing anything but watching TV instead.  I guess that is easy for me to say since the only show I am addicted to is The Office, but I refuse to watch new episodes on TV and instead wait for them to come out on DVD.  Why don't we support writers by reading books instead of watching TV?  It isn't the end of the world if there are only 5 episodes (or however many) of The Office this year - it just means a cheaper DVD of the season!

Football:  Wow, LSU sure pulled out all the stops against OSU.  OU is proving that they should not be considered for a BCS game even when they win the Big 12 (I think Missouri could have done better), but I guess they can't be excluded by contract.  In a season of upsets, there really were no big surprises in the bowl games.  That is kind of a letdown.  Apparently Mallett is transferring because Michigan hired someone who is bringing in a spread offense (really, that is against tradition at Michigan.  I already don't like the guy or the ones who hired him) so someone is about to pick up a pretty decent quarterback who has a year's worth of experience on a big stage.  Should be interesting to see where he ends up.  As for the NFL, go Giants.  Go Colts.  Anyone go to the Super Bowl other than the Patriots.  

LLBB:  I am coaching Little League Basketball again.  This year I am coaching a 5/6 grade team.  The kids are a little older, so at least they can all hit the rim, but it will still be an interesting experience.  Seems to be a decent team, and our skills goal is to learn how to do left handed layups by the end of the season.  I love coaching these teams, so it should be a fun season.

Romans:  Anyone who knows me knows that I love to study the book of Romans.  That is what we are studying as a church on Sunday nights this spring.  I am very excited!

Disclaimer:  I really did not proofread or try to use good English.  It has been one of those kinds of weeks - too busy to get my head screwed back on straight, so I am glad that the end of today and tomorrow looks to be a little less busy.  I am braindead.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Thank you AGAIN so much for watching Dr. Hux-table...I agree the outside trips are the worst! (Its why I make Cory do the bedtime outing). At least you don't have to buy more Fresh Step because of Hux ; )