Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dress Code

I have seen two news stories now about women that are complaining because Southwest Airlines expects them to address appropriately for a family airline.  These women think it is their right to wear whatever they want on the airline and that there is no room for the airline to tell them not to wear skirts that are too short.  I am glad that there is a company that is willing to take a stand for modesty!  I know that I have seen plastered all over the news what one of the women was wearing, and that skirt, especially once she sat in the airline seat, would have revealed too much.  It is bad enough that we have to see it on TV, in newspapers, on the internet, etc.  Too often I wish that Walmart had the same high standards regarding dress because there are definitely women there that do not need to be wearing the outfits that they are wearing in public.  In fact, I wish that all companies had a high standard for how people dress when they entered because I do not want my eyes subjected to that much flesh, and definitely do no want any children or teenagers to also view that much flesh.

It is a privilege to be able to fly on any airline instead of a right.  Now I do think that there is a right not to be discriminated against on the basis of things like race, disability, etc.  However, Southwest gave them the opportunity to obtain a refund (I think), go home and change to make a later flight, or cover up.  Southwest prides itself on being family friendly, and from the flights I have been on, families support them because of it.  I bet that there is a disclaimer on the Southwest website that talks about appropriate dress for flights (although I have not checked).  I mean the airlines and the government regulate a lot of things on flights, so I am sure there is a warning about clothing as well.  Looking at the skirt of the first woman coming forward, it didn't look like it would pass dress code for any of the schools that I have attended or am familiar with, so it is not appropriate for a family flight.  I applaud Southwest for trying to protect my eyes from viewing more flesh than I desire to see.  I just hope that this increases their desire to enforce a standard of dress instead of causing them to stop enforcing the standard because of the press.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.